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Posts Tagged ‘Content Strategy’

Building a Successful Strategic Plan for Managing Your Social Content

What kind of content should you put into your social media campaigns? There are no simple answers, but if you

The Rise of Contextual Awareness

Contextual awareness is the idea that things that are “aware” of the context around them and behave differently if their environment changes. This term is being used a lot around mobile devices to describe what location-aware phones, or smartphones, and software can do—and it’s a topic that information architects like me are thinking a lot […]

IxD Strategy: A Closer Look at the Power of Storytelling

I’m a firm believer in the power of storytelling, for intentions good and ill. No disrespect to the masses of social media experts who think it’s passe to do anything but hand over the keys to your tweeting consumers, but if there is one thing history can teach us, it’s that we (as a whole) […]

Content Strategy: Tips for Creating More Meaningful Online Experiences

Even if consumers don’t complain about a brand’s content failings on social sites, blogs, and forums, they can silently register disapproval by ignoring anything more the brand has to say.  And being irrelevant is a brand’s worst curse. Which is why we must think more critically today than ever before about the value of content […]

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