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Posts Tagged ‘best practices’

Personalization: A Rules Based Approach

The fifth and final approach to personalization utilizes rules to understand users and events and then push personalized content and messages to them.  This probably represents one of the most complex aspects of personalization but it can be extremely powerful.  I say “rules” because you need some engine, most likely separate from a portal server, […]

Social Intranet Technologies, Part 4

In part 1 and part 2 of this series, I introduced many of the technologies used to build a social intranet.  In part 3, I talked about three scenarios and list some of the technology that would be involved in each social intranet.  For this last part of the series, I want to talk about what some of […]

Why Developers Don’t Follow UI and Brand Standards

Abbey Smalley just posted a good article on “Why Your Developers Aren’t Following Your Brand Standards”  I find this interesting because I keep seeing sites or sub-sites that fail to follow any standard at all.  It usually isn’t for lack of a published standard. Most likely, the developers were busy or the company failed to […]

Why Developers Don't Follow UI and Brand Standards

Abbey Smalley just posted a good article on “Why Your Developers Aren’t Following Your Brand Standards”  I find this interesting because I keep seeing sites or sub-sites that fail to follow any standard at all.  It usually isn’t for lack of a published standard. Most likely, the developers were busy or the company failed to […]

Social Intranet Technologies, Part 3

In the past two posts (Part 1 & Part 2), I list many of the key technologies that make up a social intranet.  In this post, I’m going to talk about how you might combine those different systems into an overall social intranet platform for your company.  In the next post in this series, I’ll […]

Personalization: Based on Site Actions

Continuing on with my Personalization series, I want to focus on personalization that caters to what you do on the web site.  We most commonly refer to this as Amazon’s approach.   Amazon does a great, but not perfect, job of recommendations based on your actual actions on the site.  Personalization of this sort would […]

Personalization: An Attribute Based Approach

This is part three of a five part series on personalization. Security Based PZN Customization Attribute Based PZN The first two options were important but I don’t tend to call them true personalization.  Attribute based personalization finally gets to the land of actual personalization.  It’s the concept that you choose to display pages, portlets, or […]

Social Intranet Technologies, Part 1

I’ve been seeing a lot of interest in the concept of a Social Intranet lately.  The intranet is your company’s internal content network.  In many cases, it is nothing more than a series of links to other systems.  In more sophisticated intranets, companies publish corporate news and announcements, departments have their own pages to share […]

3, 2, 1.. Flow! Salesforce Visual Workflow in 3 easy steps

Learn in 3 easy steps how you can automate and streamline your business process using Salesforce Visual Workflow. We believe one of the most underused and least understood gems is Salesforce Visual Workflow. Salesforce has recently made this feature easier than ever at guiding users through a step-by-step process of collecting and updating Salesforce data. We […]

Personalization: Customization and How I Want It

Continuing on with the discussion of the five facets of personalization. Customization deserve mention as the reason most companies buy a portal and the feature most companies never actually use. What is Customization Customization is the ability for an end user to create a page and put portlets or web parts on that page in […]

Is SharePoint 2013 Good for External Websites?

This question, “Can SharePoint be used for public websites (in addition to intranets)?”  comes up a lot.  The knock on previous versions of SharePoint (2010 and before) has always been that it can be expensive, it doesn’t do search engine optimization (SEO) well, it has trouble with mobile, multiple language support is weak, etc.  While […]

Deal Registration – Start with Leads or Opportunities?

Delivering a deal registration process has been a top 3 reason companies choose to implement Salesforce Partner Relationship Management (PRM). But like many things in Salesforce you have a variety of implementation approaches to consider. Where do you capture deal registrations? Leads Opportunities Custom objects The answer is: it depends. There are a number of factors […]

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