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Content Authoring


Creating an Experience Editor Ribbon button for SCORE pages

Recently on a few of my projects, we’ve been discussing how to further enhance the content authoring experience for users.

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Experience Editor error strikes again!

“After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: {. Path ‘scLayout’…

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Site Clusters – Part 4: Renderings shmenderings; or why you should care about Shared and Final layout

A critical portion of understanding Site Clusters is wrapping your head around Shared and Final layout, and understanding their impact on your assembly.


Optimize your images in Sitecore with PowerShell Extensions + Kraken or TinyPNG

The solution I want to show you today involves optimizing images in Sitecore with PowerShell and TinyPNG. It allows for tremendous file size reduction with minor or nonexistent degradation in visual clarity at high resolutions.

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Bulk Manipulating the Language of Content

If you want to bulk manipulate by moving content from one language to another, SCORE comes with a language manipulation feature that can help. On the flip side, if you want to remove languages from your system, you can use PowerShell to automate this. Imagine that our site is currently in English with an en […]


Sitecore Help Text in Experience Editor

When building Sitecore-powered websites, it’s easy to forget about the content authoring experience. We live in this system and we’re used to its quirks, so we’re not often reminded that others–like our content teams–don’t share the same level of familiarity and comfort. We also can forget that making Sitecore friendlier for our content team is critical to […]

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Styling Experience Editor for a Better Content Admin Experience

When building a new site using BrainJocks SCORE, are you paying attention to the styling of the Experience Editor view?

Some project team members may consider this a waste of time, especially for projects that are low on budget and/or need to be finished very quickly. But neglecting Experience Editor has meaningful consequences – and your Content Administrators will be the ones who suffer. A frustrating authoring and editing experience can make it impossible to leverage the full power of even the best website.

Our ultimate goal with BrainJocks’ projects is to style Experience Editor to look as close to the front end of the site as possible, optimizing the admin experience. I’ll explain two types of Experience Editor styling that we address when we build websites.

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SCORE 2.0 Component Assembly 101, Part 1: The Basic Component

If you’re a seasoned Sitecore developer, feel free to skip this post. If your company just bought SCORE and you’re looking for information on how to build things “the SCORE way,” you found it. I want to get into some theory, some nomenclature and the mindset of a SCORE developer.   What it means to […]

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Improve Sitecore Content Editor Performance

While Sitecore continues to extend Content Editor functionality to the Experience Editor, Content Editor remains the interface of choice for developers and power users. Its performance can significantly impact the productivity of any development team. With the fairly simple adjustments I outline here, you can optimize Sitecore Content Editor performance and usability. Tweaking the Tree […]

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Content-First Strategy Using SCORE

Being a creative while working at a highly skilled dev firm has provided me a lot of insight on how workflows are changing for the better. The days of building sites from high fidelity compositions are fading fast. Development teams no longer have to wait for “signed off” wireframes and designs before getting started. Content, after all, is […]

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To branch or not to branch? Part II

In my previous post we talked about the major purpose for which the branch templates were originally invented: create different kinds of hierarchies in one click. We covered one of the cases: page hierarchy. Now let’s have a look at another case. Renderings Hierarchy (Case II) Another type of the hierarchy that is often created […]


To branch or not to branch? Part I

Once a upon a time we were creating a website using Sitecore. We met in the conference room and started pretty peacefully. We were peaceful when were discussing how many page types we would need, we were still peaceful when we were talking what rendering we would have on each page type, and then… Someone […]

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