Here at PointBridge we have a group that works overseas in Pune, India. And since we use LiveMeeting and OCS internally we thought it would make sense to use OCS to save on international calls to and from India. But note: we don’t have a dedicated WAN connection to Pune: it’s all over the Internet. […]
PointBridge Blogs
Blogs from this Author
Do you format your SQL? If so, how and why?
One of the most heated arguments I have ever witnessed in a business environment was over "tabs versus spaces", so it is with a small amount of trepidation that I post this link – I don’t want to incite any flame wars. I found an easy, web-based tool that allows me to consistently reformat SQL […]
Target Web Parts and List Items with Audiences
SharePoint 2007 introduced two enhancements to the targeting provided by the 2003 version. The first is that web parts on any page not just portal pages can be targeted. The second added list item targeting. This PointCast covers targeting in both scenarios. Note: One important note is that list item targeting must be enabled for […]
Application Log Error: 6398, 6482, 7076
I made a blog post last year that addressed these errors and some steps to try to resolve them. If you have found that even after following all the steps I provided you still seem to have the errors, you are not alone. This is actually a recognized memory leak with the owstimer service in […]
Enabling ICS on Windows Mobile 6
Recently I upgraded from the Samsung Blackjack to the Blackjack II. I got a great deal on it, so I figured why not upgrade? It comes with Windows Mobile 6 pre-installed, however it’s missing a key feature that I used extensively with WM5 on my original Blackjack: Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). However, thanks to the […]
Quick and Easy Dashboard Prototypes Using Performance Point Server
This linked PointCast is the first of a series I will be doing about creating rapidly developed Dashboard Prototypes Using Performance Point Server. We’re keeping these PointCasts brief in duration – about what you could listen to between train stops (for those of us on the Metra or “El”). After this overview, I’ll be posting […]
Using Custom .Net 2.0 Membership and Role providers for SharePoint 2007
If you decide to build custom membership and role providers to use with .Net 2.0 web applications, you can find a lot of blogs and articles including code samples. There are also quite a few articles about using SQLMembershipProvider and SQLRoleProvider (that are part of the .Net framework) with SharePoint 2007. This article is about […]
WSS 3.0 and MOSS custom authentication using a third-party component (SiteMinder).
Introduction Many enterprise IT environments use Netegrity SiteMinder (hereafter called SiteMinder) to secure Web applications and servers. Customers who decide to move to MS SharePoint 2007 (MOSS) want to continue to use SiteMinder for their existing Web environment and as the authentication mechanism for their portal. This article is an example of how to implement […]
SharePoint Designer: Can You Live with It? Can You Live without It?
Striking a Balance, Maximizing Effectiveness and Eliminating Headaches, Part One Summary: SharePoint Designer (SPD), whose progenitor was Microsoft FrontPage, provides an application that can be used by web designers and others who need to modify SharePoint beyond what can be done in the native web-based SharePoint user interface. Network administrators have every reason for the […]
Moving to SharePoint 2007
Moving to SharePoint 2007: The Architecture Summary: Migrating from SharePoint 2003 to SharePoint 2007 is an extensive undertaking. There are many, many planning activities required and in most cases some significant mapping if not development work will be required. One question that needs to be answered before starting the process is: "Why move to SharePoint […]
Enhancing the ContentByQueryWebPart – Part 1
On a recent project, we wanted to make extensive use of the MOSS Content Query Web Part’s capability to query the instances of a content type on our SharePoint site and then use custom XSL transformations to present this data to the users as HTML. The problem that we ran into was that some of […]
Simple SCR Lab Demo
Introduction As you may already know Microsoft has released a great new feature in Exchange 2007 SP1 called Standby Continuous Replication to extend recoverability of Exchange and add site resiliency. While deploying the CCR cluster gives hardware and volume resiliency, SCR extends recoverability of Exchange by providing a third offsite copy of the Exchange mailbox […]