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Mark Polly

Mark Polly is Perficient's Chief Strategist for Customer Experience Platforms. He works to create great customer, partner, and employee experiences. Mark specializes in web content management, portal, search, CRM, marketing automation, customer service, collaboration, social networks, and more.

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Blogs from this Author

IBM ConnectED 2015: IBM’s Mobile Strategy and Social Way to Work

Dan Swango, Director, IBM Collaboration Solutions, and Baan Slavens, Sr Product Manager, IBM Connections presented a session at IBM ConnectED 2015 on IBM’s Mobile Strategy in the collaboration space, which includes IBM Verse, Connections, Sametime and Traveler applications. Baan presented some market statistics: “The average person unlocks his or her smartphone 110 times each day.” “25% […]

IBM ConnectED 2015: What’s New in WebSphere Portal & Web Content

It’s time again for Rob Will’s semi-annual presentation on What’s New in IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM Web Content Manager. Rob is IBM’s Chief Architect for Portal and WCM and always has lots of slides showing off what the latest version of the product does and what has been implemented in the last year. IBM’s […]

IBM ConnectED 2015: A New Way to Engage with Digital Experiences

Jeff Schick opened this year’s IBM ConnectED conference talking about “A New Way to Engage,” which is IBM’s theme for this conference. He talked about how IBM has developed new ways to engage over the past year.  He talked about Watson, IBM’s cloud businesses, their new agreement with Apple and more initiatives. This year is […]

B2B Content Marketing: What type of content has the most clout?

Marketing to other businesses (B2B) is very different from marketing to consumers.  We’ve heard and talked a lot about Content Marketing in past, although it mostly has been focused on consumers – B2C. I just came across an interesting bit of research from Eccolo Media that looks specifically at content marketing in the B2B space. For […]

Lessons from 2014: Healthcare and Patient Portals

There was a lot of talk about Healthcare and Patient Portals in 2014.  Health insurance exchange portals started to mature a little bit with finally coming on line.  The Affordable Care Act requires providers to provide access to medical records for patients and many have looked to implement patient portals. Looking back, here are […]

Lessons from 2014: How to get more clicks on Facebook.

Merry Christmas!  As I have some time off at the end of the year, I’m looking back at information I have gathered in my reading list that I find interesting.  I came across the article We tested all the best advice to get more clicks on Facebook. Here’s what worked by Kevan Lee at Buffer’s Social blog. […]

Lessons from 2014: The Problem with Sentiment Analysis

As we wind down 2014, I’m taking a look back at some items in my reading list and bringing forward the ones I found important from a learning standpoint.  The article The Problem with Sentiment Analysis by Sarah Kessler at Fast Company in November 2014 qualifies as one of those “aha” articles. Analyzing social media has […]

G2 Crowd scores Salesforce Chatter top social collaboration tool

I saw the following tweet from Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff: This was interesting enough for me to follow the link to see why Salesforce Chatter was rated the best social collaboration system.  Barry Levine at Venture Beat had a nice article about G2 Crowd’s grid on social collaboration.  Here are the first two paragraphs: Salesforce’s Chatter […]

Digital Transformation is All Around Us…Again

The phrase “Digital Transformation” has re-emerged as a new phenomenon. Google tells me there are 49 million (49,000,000) search results for the words Digital Transformation. First, why do I say it is a phenomenon? It seems that many of our leading think-tanks are talking about digital transformation. Here are some examples: Earlier this year, MIT Sloan Management […]

Technology Trends Transforming Customer Engagement

At Customer Engagement World, we had a panel discussion regarding technology trends with customer engagement.  The format was Q&A with these panelists: Matt Rednor, Founder of Decoded Advertising; Heather Corker, VP Consumer Trends at The Future Foundation; Jason Stein, President of Laundry Service; David Weinstock, Chief Creative Officer at MRY; and Chad Westleigh, Manager at Alex […]

Engaging Customers Through Marketing Technologies

Customer engagement is nothing new.  Customer engagement technology is nothing new too.  Cave paintings were an early form of customer engagement and throughout history, we’ve used various forms of technology to communicate to customers, partners and employees.  What is new technology to have a two-way, personalized engagement with them. Audrey Hendley, SVP of New Customer […]

Using Social Insights to Engage Customers

Today at Customer Engagement World in New York, Jana Kanyadan, CIO of Mohawk Industries, spoke about how they use social insights to engage customers. Mohawk, now with 32,100 employees, makes flooring and was founded in 1878 in New York. Jana started out showing a typical customer journey – today 92% start with a Google search. […]

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