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David de León

David is a mechatronics engineer who enjoys software development as his day job and has a passion for everything DIY outside of his career. He likes to tinker with 3d printing and small electronics projects in his free time. David also enjoys classical and progressive rock music, and practicing piano.

Blogs from this Author

Low-level and High-level Programming Languages

When you’re getting started in the software world, the concept of high-level and low-level programming languages can be challenging to grasp, but once you get the basic idea, it becomes easy to know which type of language each one is. What Are Programming Languages? Firstly, let’s start by doing a recap on what exactly a […]

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The Surprising Power of Habits

It was about 3 years ago that I got started in the world of software engineering. I was coming from a career more oriented to mechanics and electronics (Mechatronics Engineering), but with the great interest I’ve always had in coding and all the amazing things that can be made with software, I was very interested […]