To misquote the great poet Alfred Lord Tennyson, “In the spring a young banker’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of SNC Classifications.” SNC (pronounced like the candy bar but without the “ers”) stands for the Shared National Credit Program, which, since 1977, has assessed risk in the largest and most complex credits shared by multiple […]
Carl Aridas
Carl is certified in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), a Scrum Master, and a Six Sigma Green Belt project manager with more than 25 years of experience in financial services overseeing large-scale development global, multi-currency accounting, regulatory reporting, and financial reporting software platforms. He has hands-on experience completing, reviewing, and filing Federal Reserve, FFIEC, and IRS reports, including Call Reports, Y9C reports, 2900 reports, TIC reports, and arbitrage rebate reports.