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Life at Perficient

The Atlanta Office Leaps into Spring

Group Photo at Metro Atlant Urban Farm

As spring quickly approaches, the need for volunteers at Food Well Alliance’s Community Gardens Program gets greater and greater. Amber FullerOur team woke up bright and early on Leap Day to volunteer at the Metro Atlanta Urban Farm. In 2018 they produced 80,000 pounds of fruits and vegetables that went directly to the East Point community.

We were put right to work weeding and mulching fruit trees and transplanting strawberry seedlings. “Gardening at Metro Atlanta Urban Farm was a really unique volunteering experience” says Courtney Dean. “You don’t always get to see the impact volunteer work makes, so it was really cool to see the immediate effect on the garden itself. It was a great time to bond with teammates and all work together towards a common goal.”

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Food Well Alliance works with small farms and gardens in metro Atlanta to increase local communities’ access to fresh natural food options. Last year, they worked with over 60 gardens to increase the accessibility of fresh food and help healthier communities take root.

Hailey Bause says “Volunteering at the Perficient Atlanta gardening philanthropy event was a rewarding experience. Spending a beautiful, sunny morning outdoors was worth having to get up at 8am on a Saturday. It was a great way to give back to our community while spending time with our coworkers out of the office. I’m very grateful that Perficient provides us with new and exciting opportunities to volunteer and make memories with our work buddies.”


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Anushka Sharma

Anushka is a Technical Consultant who has been at Perficient since January 2019.

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