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Perficient Latin America Director of Engineering Sebastian Velez Ruiz Featured in New Cloud Storage Survey Report

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Small business users of cloud storage look most to features and capabilities when selecting a cloud storage provider, according to a new survey by Clutch, a B2B research firm in Washington, DC.

Over one-third of small business IT decision makers (35%) said features and capabilities primarily influenced their purchasing decision. Less than 5% said that marketing tactics like free trials or online ratings and reviews primarily influenced their decision.

Perficient Latin America’s Director of Engineering, Sebastian Velez Ruiz, provided expert commentary on Clutch’s data. This follows his recent in-depth interview on cloud strategy for Clutch.

The survey included responses from 300 IT decision makers at U.S. small businesses that use cloud storage and have 2-500 employees.

Velez said that small businesses’ emphasis on features and capabilities indicates that they are seeking out new ways to take advantage of cloud storage, as opposed to just storing data.

“[The influence of features and capabilities] is important because it’s evidence that businesses are looking at cloud storage not only to store their data but also to implement new services with it,” explained Velez.

“Cloud adopters some years ago used the cloud only to provide increased availability to the information or as a backup mechanism when their data center failed. Now, cloud storage is beginning to focus on capabilities,” continued Velez.

Velez also explained how businesses tend to take advantage of cloud storage in two stages. First, they use the cloud simply to increase their data reliability.

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“Creating the required infrastructure on your end in order to provide a reliable service is usually expensive, time-wise and cost-wise,” said Velez. “With the cloud, you can leverage affordable solutions, since you have vendors that offer you data centers around the world and data replication strategies with almost no development efforts on your end.”

Next, though, they will begin to use the advanced capabilities for data analysis offered by the cloud.

“The second stage of cloud storage adoption is leveraging cloud services to increase the value of your data – for instance, massively processing your information through big data techniques or connecting with machine learning services from cloud vendors in order to get new insights from your data,” said Velez.

Small businesses that don’t move onto the second stage may not be taking advantage of all cloud storage has to offer for their business.

Read all of Velez’s commentary in Clutch’s full survey on cloud storage providers.

About PSL: Perficient Latin America specializes in Agile software development. By utilizing a nearshore model and engaging in long-term partnerships, Perficient Latin America works closely with clients to solve complex technology challenges using the latest tools and resources. With offices in Colombia, Mexico and the US, Perficient Latin America has customers all over Latin and North America, ranging from tech startups to Fortune 500 companies.

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