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Amazon Connect and Lambda logs: Error loading Log Streams

Error loading Log Streams

Trying to get your Lambda function logs to show up in Cloudwatch, but you keep getting an error loading log streams?

“There was an error loading Log Streams. Please try again by refreshing this page.”

Error loading log streams

Chances are, you are here because refreshing didn’t help. I ran into this issue as I was troubleshooting a Lambda function invoked from an Amazon Connect contact flow.

What are some troubleshooting steps you can try?

1.  Check service health

Check the service health status in your region from the official AWS service health dashboard.

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This step makes sense if your logs were showing up before, but you can’t get any of them to load right now. Further steps won’t help much in the unlikely event that Cloudwatch service, or any related service, is down in your region.

2.  Check permissions

If the logs never showed up there may be a problem with permissions. Lambda functions are not able to write logs by default, an administrator needs to grant Cloudwatch permissions to the role used for execution.

To check if that’s the case:

  1. Navigate to the AWS Lambda Management Console, click on the function in question and check which execution role (IAM role) is used to run this function. Lambda execution role configuration
  2. Go to IAM management console and check permissions on that particular role. Do you have any permissions granted for the Cloudwatch service?
  3. If not, you can start by attaching CloudwatchLogsFullAccess policy to your execution role.  This change will take effect almost immediately. CloudWatchLogsFullAccess permissions

If this was the root cause of your problem and the Lambda function was not able to write logs, you won’t be able to retrieve past logs. However, any new logs should start generating and showing in the Cloudwatch console. Also, if you need to ensure a more granular access you can do that later with a custom policy.

3.  Check limit

Check if you’ve hit the 5000 log groups per account per region limit or any other Cloudwatch limit here. Some limits can be increased by reaching out to AWS support.

Let me know if this helps through the comments below!

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Thoughts on “Amazon Connect and Lambda logs: Error loading Log Streams”

  1. Dora Hodanic Post author

    Simon, are you getting an access permission error or this same error “There was an error loading Log Streams. Please try again by refreshing this page.”? If it’s the same one you can try opening browser dev tools and re-loading the page with dev tools on. This could show more details on the error.

  2. its the same :

    “There was an error loading Log Streams. Please try again by refreshing this page.”?

    no errors in console

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Dora Hodanic

Lead Technical consultant focused on contact center solutions with Amazon Connect.

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