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CSR | Environmental Impacts

Csr | Environmental Impacts

Colombia is an incredibly diverse country, in fact, it is considered the second most bio-diverse country in the world. This rich biodiversity is an incredible delicate resource and needs to be cared for appropriately. As a software outsourcing company that employs over 500+ engineers and other staff, part of our commitment to social responsibility is dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment. The individual actions of each employee are magnified on a grand scale and can have a large impact on the environment, so we’ve instituted the following programs at Perficient Latin America.

Environmental Impacts

Although Perficient Latin America is a company that does not have extensive polluting processes, since its production process is focused on people and what they do through their computer, we have environmental management programs that support the initiative to create a living system in harmony with nature, focused on:

  • Lower consumption of electrical energy, both in computer equipment and air conditioners.
  • Rational use of paper
  • Rational use of water
  • Adequate disposal of waste in order to facilitate recycling

Our company, in order to strengthen its commitment to sustainable development and contribute to the reduction of the degradation of ecosystems, created Perficient Latin America Verde, a program designed to raise awareness about the management and protection of the environment and natural resources, and move towards an ecological culture of cleanliness and resourcefulness among employees.

The different components of Perficient Latin America’s environmental project are designed to ensure that educational efforts lead to the generation of greater positive environmental impact and in turn generate savings for the company.

[MORE ON CSR: Community Engagement Programs at Perficient Latin America]

Perficient Latin America Verde:

Integrated waste management – In the company’s facilities, waste sorting containers will be distributed, each of these containers has the universal standardization of colors and the type of waste to be deposited. Ecological points and several containers will be strategically placed around the workstations in order to facilitate classification and collection.

Contaminated Element disposal – Contaminated materials that can not be disposed of normally will be collected once a month by Perficient Latin America and delivered to a company dedicated to the proper disposal of such elements.

Battery disposal – Perficient Latin America has a collection point at the reception of each of its headquarters so that employees can deposit the batteries that are no longer used, from home or from work. Once a month the collected batteries will be taken to proper disposal locations.

Optimization of Resources – Including the rational use of paper in accordance with reduce, reuse, recycle, implementing energy saving techniques by working with equipment that includes in its characteristics, components and processes that promote minimized energy consumption, and the reduction of water use through water-saving technologies and employees actions.

Carbon Footprint Mitigation – Perficient Latin America measures its carbon footprint each year, and based on the results plants a certain number of trees to mitigate the damage caused by carbon production. In 2016 1,822 trees were planted to offset carbon production. 

To learn more about PSL and how to get started outsourcing your software development, get in touch today. 

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