This wizard is helpful for generating scripts and publishing them. In order to run the wizard, right click on the database and navigate to Tasks -> Generate Scripts.
The wizard will pop up and you can generate scripts either for all database objects or for a selected number of database objects. This could be used later to create an instance of the database or for publishing it. Click the Next button to proceed.
In this step choose the objects which you want to script. You can opt for entire database and all of its objects or select some specific objects to script. Click Next to go for the scripting options.
Choose where to save the scripts: either in a specific location or to a web service. By clicking Advanced, you can choose advanced options for the script.
The Script Drop and Create option lets the user DROP the object and RECREATE it. You can choose to CREATE the object alone or DROP the object alone using Script CREATE and Script DROP option respectively.
The Script USE DATABASE option lets the user use that particular database.
The Types of data to script option allows the user to generate a script with SCHEMA only, DATA Only and both SCHEMA and DATA. DATA only scripts the data alone from all the tables. SCHEMA only scripts only the data structure and the datatype of its tables. The SCHEMA and DATA option allows the user to capture both the data structure and all of its data.
By clicking the next button, the wizard allows the users to review their selections. The Target will be a single SQL script file which comprises of the script.
This window displays the action list like Preparing the script and its result. You can save this report for logging purpose or to determine which part has failed. After clicking the finish button, the wizard exits and the script file can be accessed.
The scripts will be generated as a result in a sql file.