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4 steps to fix “MQRC 2393- SSL Initialization Error” on DataPower

This issue mainly occurs when DataPower MQ client tries to establish a SSL(2-way) connection with MQ server.

Here is the solution to fix this issue.

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Step – 1 :  Ensure that correct certs have been configured in keystore of MQ queue manager object on MQ server.

Step – 2 :  Ensure that correct certs have been configured in CryptoIdentificationCredentials and CryptoValidationCredentials objects on DataPower.

Step – 3 : Get the Cipher details configured at Channel level and compare it with Cipher field in SSLProxyProfile object configured in MQ queue manager object on DataPower. In most of the cases, its value is DES-CBC3-SHA.

Step – 4 : Refresh the SSL Settings at Queue Manager level on MQ server and restart the channel.

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