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Customer Experience and Design

Smoking Cessation Apps are good. Text programs are even better.

We are big fans of mobile health. Why? Because there is 91% US adult adoption of mobile phones. That same percent keeps their phone with them 24/7. As a result, these billions of tiny devices the world over create a networked lifeline that can be a critical tool for healthcare.

craving_smokingThat’s why we originally wrote the post, “Texting Bridges the Mobile Health Digital Divide.” In that piece we highlighted three great text messaging programs that are making a big difference. Why are text messaging programs so important? Because, while 91% of the population has a cell phone, only 56% of the population has access to a smartphone (and the health apps that come with it). Text messaging programs are an inexpensive means to potentially reach almost the entire population if done correctly.

With that in mind, hearing of another mobile health text messaging program with great results, though not at all a surprise, makes me quite happy. It’s called Text2Quit. The program works by sending text messages with advice as well as telling users how much money they have saved by quitting (a big correlation to quitting, it seems). Users can also text keywords, like CRAVE, to receive a tip to keep to their smoking cessation program or SMOKED to communicate a relapse. The program then gives tips for getting back on track.

Want more information? You can read about the program here and here and here.

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Melody Smith Jones

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