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Healthcare Assessment – Validation, Remediation, Modification

Providers, payers, quality and performance assurance organizations will all need to be actively engaged in a systematic review of newly implemented healthcare standards and regulations. More importantly, all interested organizations will not only be integrated in their own processes in conducting reviews and assessments, but will be influenced by the findings of peer organizations. A conjunction of these diverse processes could enhance or inhibit each organization’s efficiency in approach depending on the emphasis placed on peer collaboration. A collaboration of knowledge and information transfer will enhance the emergence of a three prong approach in meticulous assessment and detailed adjustment to any existing deficiencies. Validation, remediation, and modification are not sequential, but are rather complementary methods to a thorough assessment of results and potential gaps in healthcare systems delivery.

Validation is the checkpoint analyses that all aspects of healthcare patient management are operating under optimal conditions. Remediation is the iterative interjection of corrections integral to maintaining quality and efficiency. Modification is a conglomerate of validation and remediation that will render a system-wide change in processes to ensure that methodologies are current, accurate, and accountable. A comprehensive, yet compartmentalized, manner to assess healthcare mandates and standardization will enable organizational participation at all levels of healthcare delivery systems. Validation is the questioning and answering of whether the system is correct and in order. Remediation necessitates the continual monitoring and alleviation of system stalls. Modification is change at the organizational level to ensure compliance with overall healthcare industry goals and objectives.

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David Hastoglis

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