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IBM WebSphere Portal Self Registration Portlet Available

In previous versions of IBM WebSphere Portal, one missing feature had been the ability for a new user to self register. It was one of the standard checklist items in a Request For Proposal (RFP) – does your system allow for self registration? We spent countless hours building this capability for many, many clients.

IBM has implemented a set of portlets for self registration and has made them available on their App Store, the IBM Solutions Catalog. You can download the portlets at this page in the catalog.

These portlets were built using IBM’s Web Experience Factory tool. Here is a list of the key features:

  • Self Registration – The registration, or self registration, portlet lets portal users create user IDs to log in to your site and access personalized, or profiled, content. The registration portlet also lets users specify answers to security questions so that they can reset passwords and validate their identities. Users typically access the registration portlet from links that display on your portal site
  • Account Activation – The account activation portlet lets users specify passwords and complete the registration process. Users access the account activation portlet from a URL that the registration portlet sends in an activation e-mail. After users specify passwords in the account activation portlet, they can log in to your site as registered users.
  • Lost Registration email – The lost registration e-mail portlet re-sends account activation e-mails to users. You must deploy the lost registration e-mail portlet on an appropriate portal page for users to access.
  • Forgotten Password – The forgotten password portlet lets users reset their passwords. The forgotten password portlet prompts users to answer security questions. If users provide the correct answers, they can then specify a new password for their account. Users access the forgotten password portlet from a link on the log in page.
  • Profile Update – The profile update portlet lets users modify their profile information after they complete the registration process. Users access the profile update portlet after they complete the registration process and log in to your portal site.

Overall these are nice features to have in your portal. Since the features have been implemented as separate portlets, you can decide which features to turn on for your sites. If you want to offer the forgotten password and profile update feature, but not self registration you can do that.

Thoughts on “IBM WebSphere Portal Self Registration Portlet Available”

  1. Call me elated to hear about this. I’m all for more out of the box functionality. I assume that since it’s built using the Web Experience Factory that it’s possible to take and modify it for site specific needs?

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Mark Polly

Mark Polly is Perficient's Chief Strategist for Customer Experience Platforms. He works to create great customer, partner, and employee experiences. Mark specializes in web content management, portal, search, CRM, marketing automation, customer service, collaboration, social networks, and more.

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