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Digital Transformation

Social Business through Human Resources

Often when we are brought on site for analysis’ of companies for social business endeavors, oddly HR comes up as one of the more useful areas of social business.  Aside from IT or maybe Marketing, HR comes out as a business unit that has some of the most repeatable processes.  Daily they bring on new employees and these folks are new to various parts of business – and the company in general.  Remember the first day on the job and you are wondering how to print, where to reset your password or whatever is next.

Social business tools help do that very well.  Creating repeatable activities that can be assigned to people is one of the great benefits of social business platforms.  Almost always is there a very concrete set of tasks that every new employee has to manage on their first few days or weeks at the company.  Beyond that, HR is one of the most demanded areas of an intranet.  Pretty obvious reasons for that.  Some of the best tools that HR and Human Capital agents can use are:

  • Wikis
  • Blogs
  • Communities
  • Forums
  • Instant Messaging
  • Social File Sharing
  • Profile Management
  • Bookmarks (w/single sign on)

You want to get paid!  What happens if you get married (or divorced) or have a kid?  How do you up your 401k or take a loan out?  All of these processes could be available at the touch of a mouse.  Add the availability of instant messaging and these folks could be available at a moments notice for questions about this, that or another thing.  What about compliance or process recording?  Most of these tools have the ability to be recordable or auditable at any moment so feel free to give these tools out to your employees to empower them to make a bigger difference in employees lives and further employee enablement.

Truly one of the greatest areas for RIO happens in an area that often seen as a cost center to a company – but a very necessary capital management tool of a company.  Don’t overlook this great area to empower business and employees.

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Jonathan Distad

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