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Digital Transformation

20 reasons NOT to collaborate – #3 You don’t want to be heard

Wait, this isn’t true.  I saw you at the holiday party – you like to be heard.  At the heart of every company is an idea that was given a vision, some elbow grease, maybe some seed capital.  You have a small businesses like Hanson Silo or large multi-national businesses like Union Pacific that have been around for 100 years or more and they all started with an owner or group of them that only succeeded because of the hard work, great ideas and loud unrelenting voices of them and their employees.

These business didn’t succeed because someone didn’t want to speak up and be listened to.  Just the opposite.

Often time you might be part of a department where sharing and possibly innovation hasn’t been really well supported.  You know that other departments foster and support this.  Social business software allows for your voice to be heard in as part of the whole and not a departamental meeting or one and one.  I have seen the case where someone has been in just this situation and once they rolled out their internal social network this person flourished and moved to an innovative and collaborative team.   At the end of the day, the manager of the “non-innovative” department saw the writing on the wall and began to explore and support this new social network and social equity that was going around.  Today, I just found out this manager was promoted to a new position because of this.  As you can see – in a social network you can be as much a part of it or unplugged from it.  The fabric of the enterprise is changing with the patchwork of unique individuals which is becoming a competitive advantage in nearly every industry.

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Jonathan Distad

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