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Android top smartphone – again

comScore rolled out its most recent data on top selling smartphones and Android came out with a solid 34.7% (top) share compared to iPhone with 25.5%.  What is really astounding is that iPhone pulled just a .5% increase while Android jumped 6% in 3 months!


There is obviously some traction around the Google platform and I trust that Apple is taking notice.  I personally have a HTC Evo Shift which I love.  As a nerd-ish person, I like that I can root and customize my Android platform which helps make performance improvements and so on.  I was also sitting next to a Microsoft engineer the other week and was able to toy around with a new mobile phone on their platform – which I loved.  The UI and experience is astounding.  It lacks a ton of apps – but so did Android.  I have also had the chance to monkey around with some new RIM devices like the Playbook and I think those will start to take over some more market share in the coming quarters – once people can buy them.
All said, the top 4 listed here will all start to level out as their platform and development starts to take hold.  But I don’t think many will reach the Android level in the nearterm.  But I have been wrong and so were the analysts who said that it would take until 2012 for Android to reach iPhone (back in 2009) but Rich Miner had it right in 2008.
What do you think?

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Jonathan Distad

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