I’m working with George Durzi from Clarity to help coordinate this year’s MOSS Camp event (here’s George’s post about it) in Chicago. We had a great crowd last year and are hoping for the same this time around. I’m personally excited because we’re taking a little different approach on the format: instead of having an event that’s a series of disconnected feature-focused session, we’re going to focus on a single business problem for the day and then orient each session around a component of the overall solution. At the end of the day, we’ll plug everything together and hope it works — just like a real project. 🙂
Registration is open on the MOSS Camp web site — we filled up last year, so be sure to register early.
Also, we still have a couple of presentation slots open for the day. Are you willing to share your SharePoint expertise? Drop me a line and I’ll provide you with some additional details.