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Posts Tagged ‘nearshore delivery insights’

Perficient Latin America Ranked As A Top Developer For Latin America, .net And Java

Perficient Latin America Ranked as a Top Developer for Latin America, .Net and Java

We are honored to announce that Clutch, the go-to resource for buyers and sellers for software and professional services has recently named Perficient Latin America as a Top Software Developer in three of their key leaders categories: Latin America, .Net and Java. Clutch helps companies identify service providers that meet their business and procurement needs […]

Five Tips To Convince Your Purchasing Department About “going Agile” And Using A Price And Material Model To Pay For Software Development Projects

Five Tips to Convince Your Purchasing Department About “Going Agile” and Using a Price and Material Model to Pay for Software Development Projects.

Many IT managers resist the temptation of going agile (which implies working under a time and materials model) because they believe their managers, or their purchasing department, or whoever approves a budgetary expenditure, will not easily approve a T & M project. It is easy to see that for someone who has not been directly […]

I Need An Offshore Software Development Partner. Should I Opt For Asia Or Latin America

I Need an Offshore Software Development Partner. Should I Opt for Asia or Latin America?

For many years, India has been the most popular “outsourcing” or “offshoring” software destination. This has been fundamentally due to price, as well as to the availability of software engineers in this gigantic country (and is partly also motivated by the successful diaspora of Indian talent into the US, which creates networks and connections with […]

Good Retrospectives = Constant Team Improvement

Good Retrospectives = Constant Team Improvement

Over the past couple of years, I’ve had the opportunity to facilitate retrospectives for several software development teams within Perficient Latin America and gained some insights and lessons learned that I would like to share. One of the most common issues for the teams which I’ve facilitated retrospectives is that they did not schedule retrospective […]

Some Tips For Ensuring Quality During Your Software Development Process

Some Tips for Ensuring Quality During Your Software Development Process

While agile methodologies brought many advantages for adding value to stakeholders when developing software, they also brought many challenges in the way we think about quality and how to deal with many non-functional requirements. It is sadly common to see in the industry how products are driven by the SCRUM methodology offer early functional value, […]

From Static Budgets To The Agile Burn Rate

From Static Budgets to the Agile Burn Rate

When shopping around for vendors for a software development project, clients that are not familiar with agile methodologies want a figure to assign to their budget or have a specific figure themselves that came from a previously defined budget. These numbers often come way before any detailed requirements have been documented and most certainly those […]

Nowadays, What Is Software Quality?

Nowadays, What is Software Quality?

Every single organization needs to acquire or create software pieces. It doesn’t matter if it´s a short integration package or a huge core system, everyone wants software quality. And I mean “want” as a synonym of desire, instead of a real understanding of what software quality truly is. We can find several misconceptions among IT […]

Optimizing The Total Cost Of Ownership On An Outsourcing Software Development Project Part 2

Optimizing the Total Cost of Ownership on an Outsourcing Software Development Project Part 2

In the first part of this article, we reviewed the concept of Total Cost of Ownership (TOC) and outlined five key variables that determine the TCO for software development projects: Process, Quality, Risk, Productivity and Cost. Each of these variables is critical to keep in mind when selecting a nearshoring or offshoring vendor. In this article, we will review the remaining three variables […]

Optimizing The Total Cost Of Ownership On An Outsourcing Software Development Project

Optimizing the Total Cost of Ownership on an Outsourcing Software Development Project

When outsourcing software development projects, comparing vendors with different price points can be very difficult. We propose variables that should be taken into account when deciding which vendor is most likely to produce the lowest Total Cost of Ownership for an offshoring or nearshoring development project. We also evidence why we believe Perficient Latin America is […]

Should I Use A Traditional Rfi / Rfp Model To Select A Nearshore Or Offshore Outsourcing It Vendor?

Should I Use a Traditional RFI / RFP Model to Select a Nearshore or Offshore Outsourcing IT Vendor?

As a nearshore IT firm, we often get many requests to participate in an RFI / RFP project. At a first glance, and RFI / RFP process looks like a structured, disciplined and fair methodology to choose a vendor, but in the final analysis, in our opinion and experience, it produces terrible results for the […]

The Key Attributes For A Successful Outsourcing Software Vendor Relationship

The Key Attributes for a Successful Outsourcing Software Vendor Relationship

Your relationship with an outsourcing software vendor might be one of the most important ones when they work on key projects or technologies for your company. Nurturing a good relationship is never a static formula as all projects and relationships vary greatly. However, during our 30 years’ experience in the software development industry working as […]

How To Fund An Agile Software Development Project

How to Fund an Agile Software Development Project

This is Part 6 of the series of articles “Why go Agile?” When first introduced to Agile, clients often react with phrases like “ok, from a technical perspective this makes sense, but how do I sell this to my CEO?” Perficient Latin America believes Agile methodologies should be seen under a stage-gate scenario, where commitments […]

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