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Posts Tagged ‘CI/CD pipelines’

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Azure DevOps Integration Using Katalon Studio

Ensuring the quality of your applications is crucial in the current fast-paced software development environment. This is where integration and continuous testing are helpful. For managing your software development lifecycle, Azure DevOps is a robust platform that offers an extensive toolkit, while Katalon Studio is a well-liked test automation tool. Your testing process may be […]

Mobile Apps Developers At The Office.

Bitbucket CI/CD Pipelines for Optimizely CMS 12

A big reason behind this post is because this topic, even though very relevant, has very little to no context available online so far. There are posts about this being possible and very generic build pipelines for .net core deployments to azure, but none describing how to build Bitbucket CI/CD pipelines for Optimizely CMS 12 […]

How to Set Up Automated Deployment with CI/CD Pipelines through Azure

The main purpose of automation within your business is to deploy your application into different environments such as Dev/QA/Production with the push of a button or without manual intervention. Automation reduces the risk of deployment errors, reduces the number of development hours for deploying code changes in multiple environments, and help to deploy the changes […]