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Balance Not Burnout: How Best to Breakup your Workday

We all know the feeling of watching minutes melt into hours during the workday, and still dealing with the pressure to get more done when 5 p.m. rolls around. When that midday headache kicks in from staring at a screen, it’s time to start listening to your body – which is screaming at your brain for a break! To avoid the dreaded burnout, breaking up your workday is essential.

Here are some ideas that will help you have the more productive workday you desire without wreaking havoc on your health. Better yet, I’ll even provide you with a tentative workday schedule that I utilize to keep my head on straight!

8am – 8:30am Catch up on emails, administrative tasks, etc. (While of course enjoying your morning coffee, tea, or other beverage of choice)

8:30am – 10am Work Block

10am – 10:15am Get some kind of physical activity (Go for a walk outside, do a 15-minute YouTube workout video, clean the house)

10:15am – 12:30pm Work Block

12:30pm – 1pm Lunch (Eat something yummy to refuel your body! Coffee cup #2?)

1pm – 1:30pm Do something that’s good for you/makes you happy (Go play with your animals, watch an episode of a short feel-good show (highly recommend New Girl or Shitt’s Creek on Netflix))

1:30pm – 3:30pm Work Block

3:30pm – 3:45pm Brain Break! (Try a short meditation, yoga, or stretch session! (YouTube has a ton of great options!))

3:45pm – 5pm Work Block

Regardless of what your schedule may look like it is critical to allow time to take a break and decompress. Especially when you’re dealing with a sticky situation you just can’t seem to find the solution to, no matter what you do! Sometimes that is the best time to take a break and walk away, even if it’s just for a couple minutes. Don’t worry, it will still be there when you get back. However, taking that break allows you to clear your mind and come back when you’ve been able to calm your nerves and reset your attitude.

Most companies provide wellness check ins and other channels to help employees. At Perficient, our team hosts a weekly mental break/wellbeing session. I’d highly encourage partaking in whatever wellness is offered by your employer.

We all have different approaches and ideas around what it means for productivity, the important thing is to find out what works best for you and turn it into a consistent part of your day. By shaping your schedule to accommodate your mental health needs, you will say goodbye to burnout and hello to balance.

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Alyssa Incapreo

Alyssa Incapreo is an Associate Technical Consultant on the Marketo team. She applies her knowledge of the Marketo platform by working with clients from higher education, high-technology, and healthcare insurance providers.

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