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Life at Perficient

How Our Vision, Mission, and Values Guide Us at Perficient

Perficient Vision, Mission, Values

Perficient Vision, Mission, ValuesFor many years, Perficient has focused on becoming one of the world’s leading consulting firms. And we’ve become a formidable force. Having had the privilege to lead this incredible organization for many years as CEO, I’ve witnessed us lead our clients through the rise and fall of the dot-com era, saw social technology, mobile and Big Data redefine business, and ushered in the era of the customer.

We’ve evolved our approach, deepened our expertise, and sharpened our minds, to help our clients navigate market challenges and rising customer expectations. Today, we’re leading the conversation around digital transformation – helping clients rethink how they deliver value to their customers. We do that through innovative technologies, innovative business process change, and generally helping them to strategically position their business and changing environments.

As we journey forward, we’re united and driven by a singular goal and a set of values each and every day. Our vision, mission, and values are important concepts that reflect who we are and who we intend to be.

Our vision is to be one of the world’s leading consulting firms. Our mission is to thrill our clients with innovation and impact – and deliver value with bright minds and deep expertise. We achieve both our vision and our mission by leading with and living into our values each day.


At Perficient, we value:


We’re forthright and ethical, always.


We’re pragmatic adventurers and curious explorers. We strive for the new and thrive on the proven.


We understand instinctively that we succeed only when our customers do.


We work cooperatively and confidently. Our commitment to greatness is best achieved together.


We treasure talent, embrace effort and reward results. We cultivate a culture that challenges and champions great people.


We’re proud of Perficient. We pursue excellence on behalf of our clients, our colleagues and our shareholders – and when we achieve, it feels great.

These values are more than just words on paper or signs in our office hallways. They’re the essence of our existence. In all that we do each day, in every decision or conversation we have, we lead with our values, and we’ve got some great stories to tell as a result.

Throughout 2018, we will be sharing our colleagues’ firsthand experiences with each of these values and how they’re living and breathing them every day. So, I invite you to journey along with us, and learn more about how we live up to these values, which guide us as we continually transform business for our clients.


Perficient colleagues share what our core values mean to them as part of our special “We Value” series.

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Chairman and CEO Jeff Davis

Jeff Davis is chairman, president and chief executive officer for Perficient. As CEO, Jeff leads daily business operations, and directs the development and execution of the Company's global growth strategy and initiatives.

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