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Digital Transformation

Good Advice to Embracing Digital

Jason Jewert posted a blog on Driving Sales.  It was about What Automotive Retailers Can Learn From Amazon (and other companies)  While his focus is on his industry, the advice crosses almost any industry or company.  I especially like his opening premise about the fact that Netflix didn’t kill Blockbuster, Blockbuster did that just fine by themselves.

What if I told you that Netflix didn’t kill Blockbuster and that Amazon didn’t kill big box stores? Considering that Toys-R-Us filed for bankruptcy this week and many blame Amazon, this statement may seem bold. But stay with me for a moment. I’m not arguing that the success of companies like Netflix and Amazon didn’t have an impact on the success of these other companies. Instead, I’m arguing that their company strategy — and unwillingness to embrace a changing industry — ultimately led to their death.

But his advice is spot on I think:

  1. Embrace Online
  2. Always mobile first
  3. Transparency – customers want to know exactly what they are getting
  4. Accuracy is essential

It’s an odd thing for me to say but I still deal with companies whose competitors are making huge market share inroads based on digital investment.  Inevitably, most of these companies debate whether embracing the online channel (e.g. investing significantly in that channel) is the right thing to do.

So yes, good advice for everyone.

Read the whole article.

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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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