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Integration & IT Modernization

12 Days of DevOps: 8 Productive Team Members

“On the eighth day of Christmas, my IT guy gave to me, 8 productive team members”

The upheaval of technology has drastically transformed the way people work. For younger generations such as millennials, this has introduced concepts such as social networking and always-on communications into the workplace. While the methodologies have frustrated older colleagues, they present nuances to professional work that are likely to stick.

As a whole, culture is a critical component for creating and maintaining harmony within an organization. Defined as the behaviors and beliefs that showcase how management and employees interact, such activities can alter how businesses function.

In previous blogs, we have discussed the importance of DevOps and its impact on organizational culture, citing the work of John Rymer, who works at research firm Forrester. As you head into the holiday season and the new year, consider reviewing how your team members can give you the gift of productivity towards your technology development activities, including:

  • Reiterating the Business: DevOps means the combining of communications and collaboration overall of all business units. While your engineering team may not need to know marketing skills, having them know what they are developing from a business perspective will make a difference.
  • Offering Training: As we hit the end of the year, certifications expire. One of the best things organizations can do for their employees is offer the right resources and notifications for certifications that enrich careers.
  • Continuous Feedback: Like the act of developing innovative technology, great organizations also require continuous feedback. Create the necessary means for employees to share their thoughts on organizational direction, and you will reap the benefits.

If organizational culture and DevOps are top of mind for you, reach out to us for a conversation this holiday season at

Learn more about our DevOps partnerships here.

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Albert Qian

Albert Qian is a Marketing Manager at Perficient for our IBM PCS, DevOps, and Enterprise Solutions Partners focused on cloud computing technologies.

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