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QR codes for the dead

Did you ever think your smartphone would come in handy at a cemetery? The Seattle Times recently reported on the use of ‘living headstones’ affixed with QR codes. The destination site includes a history and pictures of the person’s life.
The codes are offered by Quiring Monuments, who have sold about three dozen in the past few months. The monument maker’s web site shows the image to the right as an example of how the code will look and work (see the site for the sample memorial page).
One thing I find interesting about this service is that the site is password-protected. I wonder how many people will be willing to set up an account to view information about their loved ones. However, it might be a useful way to connect future generations more easily with their past, and could be a nice way to pull in genealogical research.
What are your thoughts? Will this take off or is it a fad?

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Molly Malsam

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