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Posts Tagged ‘vue.js’

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Mastering Vue.js Slots: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

Vue.js is a cool way to make websites more interesting. One thing it does is use slots. Think of slots like placeholders where you can put stuff in a website part. What Are Slots? Vue.js slots are like special spots in a website component. They let you place various things into those spots from another […]

Businesswoman Holding File Folder In Futuristic Vr Environment

Unlocking the Power of Vue Router: A Complete Walkthrough

Understanding Vue.js Router Vue.js routing acts as a guide for your web application, instructing it on which page or component to showcase as the URL shifts. This functionality enables the creation of interactive, multi-page experiences within the framework of a single-page application. This blog, we’ll explore the essential elements of Vue.js routing, encompassing route creation, […]

Close Up Portrait Of Software Engineer Working On Computer, Line Of Code Reflecting In Glasses. Developer Working On Innovative E Commerce Application Using Machine Learning, Ai Algorithm, Big Data

A Comprehensive Guide to Watchers in Vue.js

Vue.js Watchers In Vue.js, when your data changes, the webpage updates automatically. But sometimes, you might want to do extra things when certain data changes. That’s where watchers step in. Watchers are like special helpers in Vue.js. They keep an eye on specific pieces of information (like a number or a word) and jump into […]

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Mastering Vue.js Template Refs: A Comprehensive Guide

What’s this ref in Vue.js? The ref attribute is like giving a name to an HTML element or a part of your Vue template. This name lets you directly interact with and tweak these elements or components using JavaScript. A Practical Example Let’s make things crystal clear by diving into a simple example. Imagine you […]

Professional Developer Programmer Cooperation Meeting And Brainstorming And Programming In Website

Empowering Flexible and Maintainable Applications using Vue Composition API.

The Vue Composition API offers an efficient and adaptable method for creating components, improving Vue js development. You can improve reuse, better organize code, and easily manage complicated applications by utilizing the Composition API. Let’s explore the components’ perspective and how API supports Vue 3 development. The concept of Vue Composition API, the distinction between […]

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Vue 3 with Sitecore MVC

Intro Vue is rapidly becoming one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for building user interfaces. Vue 3 can be used as the UI for a Sitecore MVC website (i.e., not headless). Still, a few configuration gotchas need to be addressed, and a general strategy for working with your markup needs to be implemented. There […]

VueConf US 2019: Key Takeaways

Vue.js has had a surge in popularity and has quickly carved out its place as one of the top front-end JavaScript frameworks. I was given the opportunity to take part in the 2019 VueConf US. The theme for this year’s conference was ‘Art. Code. Vue.’ which provided a backdrop of simplicity and elegance—perfect for the […]