When we talk about digital transformation here at Perficient, we are often talking about big data, cloud, mobile and social. In a recent Forbes article titled “CIO Lessons Learned: My Approach To The Top 10 Strategic Issues Of 2015“, Mark Sunday of Oracle says, “the CIO must be adept at understanding and responding to […]
Posts Tagged ‘social software’
IBM ConnectED 2015: What’s New in IBM Connections
IBM’s ConnectED 2015 conference is off to a great start with many great speakers and sessions lined up. Today I attended David Brooks’ session “What’s New in IBM Connections and IBM Connections Mobile.” What I find most impressive is how much effort and has gone into the user experience making the tools much richer, easier […]
Successfully Piloting Social Business Software
Rob Novak and Mac Guidera presented tips on how to make a pilot in social software successful. First why pilot? A pilot is critical to success because it provides for an experimental trial on a small scale for the future change that you anticipate.A well run pilot reduces the risk of large scale failure and […]
Be a Successful Social Business in a Highly Regulated Industry
Just because you are in a highly regulated industry doesn’t mean you can’t also be highly social. You just have to be more careful about how you do it. At IBM Connect, TD Ameritrade and IBM shared how they made became a social business despite all the regulations and compliance issues. TD Ameritrade used IBM […]
HootSuite connecting to IBM Connections
One of the challenges with managing social media is getting your message out to the many, many social platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc. I wrote recently how I use IFTTT to send blog post announcements to various sites from our WordPress blog. Companies like HootSuite have created platforms that solve this […]
Hashtags for Cancer
Over on Symplur.com, Dr. Michael Katz talks about connected health care. In this blog post, Hashtags in Cancer Care: Embedding Meaning in Digital Health, he proposes a more formal set (“ontology”) of hashtags for cancer information. While hashtags have traditionally been a means of spontaneously organizing Twitter tweets, I think Dr. Katz’s idea has a lot […]
How To Do Social Marketing Wrong and Pay a $340,000 Fine
According to Christian Ziberg in the iDownloadBlog, Samsung was recently found guilty of violating fair trade rules by hiring a large number of writers and having employees trash-talk their competitors. It looks like Samsung asked these people to post anonymous comments on various websites talking up Samsung and talking down other phones. […]
Consumers are more open to sharing some data about themselves
Here in the U.S. we take privacy seriously and often go to great lengths to avoid asking customers for personal information. It appears that global consumers are more open to sharing personal information about themselves than maybe what everyone assumes. Sandy Carter recently posted on her blog Social Media to Social Business about an interesting study IBM recently […]
IBM Connections theme update
In working with our IBM Connections clients, we usually recommend not changing the standard Connections theme much. The theme controls the color scheme, fonts, headers, footers, page layout, etc. Making significant changes can impact features on the system as they can be somewhat connected to each other. IBM has recently introduced a new theme […]
Newsgator Introduces Internal Communications Solution
So what do you do if you are a vendor of social software running on SharePoint and Microsoft includes many of your capabilities in SharePoint 2013? Well if you are NewsGator, you introduce a solution that leverages your expertise in social systems and delivers to a very important stakeholder of the corporate intranet. Essentially that […]
McKinsey survey shows social tools usage continues to rise
Anthony Myers posted an article on CMS Wire with results of McKinsey & Company’s latest survey about the use of social tools inside corporations. I highly respect McKinsey & Company, so I want to pass this information along. The main results are shown in the image here.
Chatter to become the primary interface for salesforce.com
We continue to follow closely the developments at salesforce.com because of the now wide range of solutions available through their platforms. For example, I recently blogged about how to use Force.com to build a portal . Salesforce.com also has Chatter, which is an extremely powerful social platform that runs on browsers, desktops and mobile devices. In […]