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Posts Tagged ‘React JS’

Exploring Basics of React’s useReducer and useRef Hooks

In the vast landscape of React development, developers are armed with powerful tools to navigate challenges effortlessly: the useReducer and useRef hooks. This guide offers a deep dive into these hooks, unveiling their functionalities, adaptable use cases, and advanced methodologies. What is `useReducer`? The <strong>useReducer</strong> hook in React is a cornerstone for managing state, offering […]


Identifying the Right Framework: An Inclusive Comparison of React Desktop, Flutter, and React Native

Introduction: Selecting the appropriate framework is a crucial choice in the ever-changing world of app development. Each of React Desktop, Flutter, and React Native has special advantages. We’ll examine the benefits and drawbacks of these frameworks in this analysis to assist developers in making selections that are specific to their project requirements. 1.  React Desktop: […]

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useFormState in Next.js: Form Management

In my previous blog, we had discussed using server actions with our forms and managing the loading state with the new useFormStatus hook from react-dom. In this one, we are going to explore another experimental hook from react-dom: useFormState. Concisely, useFormState is a hook to which we provide a function to manipulate form data. The […]

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useNavigate: Navigation React Router v6

In React͏ development, smooth moving between pages is vital for a seamless͏ user experience. React Router v6 brings out the useNavigate hook for advanced navigation, simplifying navigation logic͏ in functional elements. This ͏blog post will delve into the useNavigate hook, its features, functions, and benefits in React Router v6. Introducing useN͏avigate In React Router͏ v6, […]

Optimizely Configured Commerce Best Practices

useFormStatus FormControl in Next.js

In Next JS, developers prefer most of their code to remain on the server side. However, it is quite tricky to accomplish such feats when you are working with forms. Components that require inputs from the user and thus must be client components to perform user operations like button clicks or text inputs. There useFormStatus […]

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React Navigation: A Rollercoaster Ride with useHistory

React applications often require navigation between different components and pages. The useHistory hook, provided by React Router, simplifies navigation by providing access to the browser’s history object. In this blog, we’ll explore the useHistory hook, understand its implementation, and see practical examples of how it enhances navigation in React applications. Understanding useHistory The useHistory hook […]

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Finding Your Way in React: Exploring useLocation and useParams.

React provides powerful tools for creating dynamic web apps. The two most important hooks for dealing with routing and URLs are useLocation and useParams. In this blog post, we’ll explore these hooks’ functionality, discuss their application with examples, and show you how to combine them to give your React projects smooth navigation. Understanding useLocation The […]

Shot Of A Young Man Using His Digital Tablet And Computer In A Modern Office

Mastering Advanced Features and Techniques of JEST React Testing Library

Welcome to a deeper journey into the JEST React Testing Library world! We’ll explore advanced methods and tricks that enhance your testing expertise here. If you’re new to JEST, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with “Exploring JEST React Testing Library: A Complete Overview,” which helps you understand basic and advanced insights, ensuring a comprehensive […]

Extending General Link for Experience Editor Mode in Sitecore

Mastering Axios in React: A Complete Overview

A popular JavaScript library, Axios has become a staple in modern web development, especially when handling HTTP requests in React applications. This blog will explore the ins and outs of using Axios with React, providing a complete guide and practical code examples to enhance your understanding. Getting Started with Axios in React Installation Step 1: […]

Discussing latest update in React JS 18

React 18: An Overview of its Updates and New Features

The most talked-about topic and trend in JavaScript right now is React 18. React v18.0, which offers the eagerly awaited concurrent rendering improvements, has finally been published by the React team. What is React JS? React is a JavaScript package that allows you to create dynamic and speedy mobile and online apps. It is a […]

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Internationalization (I18n) Implementation in React

Internationalization (I18n) is a crucial aspect of building web applications that cater to a global audience. It involves adapting your application to different languages and regions seamlessly. In this blog, we will explore the implementation of I18n in a React app, ensuring a smooth user experience for diverse audiences. Why Internationalization? Before delving into the […]

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Getting to know Sitecore Search – Part 6

Welcome back to Getting to know Sitecore Search.  In my last post, we build a basic UI using jQuery.  In this post, we’ll use the Sitecore Search React SDK to build a more modern UI frontend for our Sitecore Search results. Documentation At the time of writing this blog post, Sitecore has recently released updated […]

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