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Posts Tagged ‘CMS’

What I’m thankful about regarding Sitecore

With Thanksgiving just a day away, it’s hard for me not to reflect upon all that I’m personally thankful for in my life.  I’m most thankful for my awesome Son who just turned 1 last weekend, and my beautiful wife who is making a superb mother.  I’m thankful that we all have our health, and […]

What I'm thankful about regarding Sitecore

With Thanksgiving just a day away, it’s hard for me not to reflect upon all that I’m personally thankful for in my life.  I’m most thankful for my awesome Son who just turned 1 last weekend, and my beautiful wife who is making a superb mother.  I’m thankful that we all have our health, and […]

Handling Environment Specific Links in Sitecore

One of my clients recently had a somewhat unusual requirement when working with Sitecore.  Due to some business rules, they are forced to input their Production content into Sitecore at their Development Environment and push it from Development all the way up to Production.  Their Sitecore website has links to other of their in-house systems […]

5 Things Project Managers Can Learn From Their First WCM Project

I’ve been thinking about some great project managers I’ve met over the years and what works for portal projects. In some ways, it could be said a good project manager should be a jack of all trades, master of none. The theory is that a person who masters both the art and science of project […]

My Sitecore Symposium 2012 Recap

Now that Sitecore Symposium is a week in the rear-view mirror, and I have power back from Sandy destroying the East Coast, I thought it’s time to get a post out about my experience at Symposium this year.  So here goes… First, I was quite happy with the venue change.  I’m not really big on […]

Sitecore MVC Dynamic Placeholders

A client recently had a need for using multiple instances of a single sub-layout that had Sitecore placeholders on it.  They discovered that when they tried implementing this, they ended up with duplicate / replicated data in each placeholder of the sub-layout that was used multiple times.  Searching for an answer, we came across this […]

Sitecore vs. Custom Development Sites

Sometimes when introducing prospective clients to the awesome software that is Sitecore, we face a little bit of a pushback from the IT groups.  This is because a lot of those IT groups include developers who have been working very hard at creating custom applications to suit their companies.  As a developer who spent 5 […]

Sitecore 6.6 Technical Preview MVC Test Lab Bug Fix

Last week I wrote a blog post about a fix for the bug you will get in Sitecore 6.6 rev 120622 when you try utilizing DMS Personalization on an MVC site.  If you are interested in using the Sitecore Test Lab, which allows Content Editors to create A/B and Multivariate Tests on their content in the […]

Sitecore 6.6 Tech Preview – MVC Conditional Rendering Bug & Fix

Brief Bug Description: As soon as a change is made and published to attempt to Personalize a Rendering in Sitecore 6.6 rev. 120622 (Technical Preview), an error will be encountered on the page where the personalization has been set up on any MVC site.  The error is “Method ‘ToString’ in type ‘Sitecore.Mvc.Analytics.Presentation.EmptyRenderer’ from assembly ‘Sitecore.Mvc.Analytics, […]

Sitecore 6.6 Tech Preview – MVC Conditional Rendering Bug & Fix

Brief Bug Description: As soon as a change is made and published to attempt to Personalize a Rendering in Sitecore 6.6 rev. 120622 (Technical Preview), an error will be encountered on the page where the personalization has been set up on any MVC site.  The error is “Method ‘ToString’ in type ‘Sitecore.Mvc.Analytics.Presentation.EmptyRenderer’ from assembly ‘Sitecore.Mvc.Analytics, […]

Professional Sitecore Development: Intro / Chapter 1 Thoughts

While I pre-ordered my copy of John West’s Professional Sitecore Development book, and received it from Amazon pretty much on the earliest possible date, I’m just now finding the time to get into it.  I hope to write a few blog posts detailing my thoughts on the book and passages I think are especially important, […]

Wait A Second: Just What is Sitecore?

This blog post may seem a bit unnecessary, especially to anyone who’s already worked a fair amount with Sitecore.  Yet I’m rather surprised by the number of clients we’ve worked with who have already purchased Sitecore and made the decision to go with it but aren’t sure how to realize its full potential because of […]

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