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Life at Perficient

Continuing to Build Hope through Women in Technology


More Smiles & a Little Learning

“There is nothing impossible to they who will try” & have our Women in Technology (WiT) group to back them up.

Where it all started:

After the Building HOPE assignment from our Women in Technology (WiT) India-based group, we were approached to conduct coaching sessions for the students, which we readily said, “yes,” to.

The initial requirement was for English & Mathematics tuitions for the school kids (Saidapet, Chennai), who have full faith in our WiT Volunteers.



The groundwork & a little hard work:

Our WiT group came up with a plan to walk up to the venue over the weekends to help kids with their skillset on English & Mathematics.

Available WiT volunteers walked up to the venue each weekend.

We interacted with the kids & tried to keep it as simple as possible, yet effective in terms of understanding & learning. By encouraging kids to use English as the medium of communication, while the WiT team was around, so that they won’t feel uncomfortable practicing the same.

We also made sure to talk to them & understand how the rest of the week went for them in terms of speaking to each other in English.

Needless to mention WiT team, was less like the teachers & more like fun peers, who were easy going & friendly with the kids.

We also brushed up our basic Mathematics by revisiting the textbooks of high school. It surely required some homework. But end of the day, the Smiles on those cute little faces, was all worth it.



WiT group is extremely happy & proud of the way this has been received amongst the kids.

The way they see the tuition sessions has changed, by the collaborative efforts of WiT group. Also the feedback we have been getting from the NGO organizers are extremely overwhelming.

WiT group feels that these are the most fun satisfying weekends that they have ever had in their lives. Hoping to have similar kind of experiences over the upcoming weekends too.


Future plans for this assignment:

WiT group has been actively collaborating with the people in need, in every other way possible.

Anybody from Perficient is welcome to join hands with WiT group. & yes, you don’t just have to be women to help. Men are most welcome to join the group.

WiT has a WhatsApp group, where we actively communicate about the on-going activities in terms of helping people in need.

We are proud to welcome you guys be part of this community.

Contact person: Gayathri Venkatraman <>

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Nagashree Narasimha

Nagashree Narasimha is a senior technical consultant based in Chennai.

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