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Life at Perficient

Chicago Wolves Game Brings Perficient Colleagues Closer Together

Chicago Team

Our Chicago-based teammates take social and service events seriously. They’ve found the extra time they spend outside the office often translates into stronger bonds inside it. About 35 teammates took part in their most recent outing: a Chicago Wolves hockey game, organized by senior solutions architects Sam Davitt and Mike Nolan.

“We believe hanging out with team members outside of work helps build a strong culture in the office, which translates to project success,” Sam said.

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A Loss on the Ice But a Win in the Stands

Even though the Chicago Wolves suffered a crushing defeat, Sam said it was a lot of fun watching the game along with his team members.

Building a culture where team members have a chance to get to know each other outside of work helps build relationships that directly translate to project delivery.

“Also, it’s just fun to get to hang out with team members outside of work. We have monthly happy hours and various service events, so the Wolves game was just a different way to get people out and enjoy a hockey game,” Sam said.

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All in Good Fun

Dan Hammond, lead technical consultant at Perficient, grew up in Wisconsin. As such, he cheered on the Chicago Wolves’ opponent, the Milwaukee Admirals, that evening.

Naturally, Dan wore his Milwaukee Admirals shirt that he bought specifically for the Wolves vs. Admirals game. The game didn’t go so well for the Wolves. They lost 7-2. Anytime the Admirals scored, Dan stood up and clapped. His colleagues booed him in good nature.

“I had a great time at this event,” Dan said. “Even though my Wolves-supporting colleagues booed me each time the Milwaukee Admirals scored, we all had a great time and became closer friends because of it. Everyone had smiles on their faces for the duration of the game.”

“You have to respect his loyalty to the state,” Sam said.

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