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Life at Perficient

Rams, Perficient and Junior Achievement Teach 400+ Students Through “JA in a Day”

The St. Louis Rams, Perficient and Junior Achievement recently took to the classroom to help prepare more than 400 St. Louis-area elementary students for the real world through hands-on lessons in entrepreneurship, work readiness, financial literacy and community improvement.
The JA in a Day program served as part of the St. Louis Rams’ monthly “Staff Days of Service” initiative at four elementary schools teaching more than 440 students lessons in business and economics. It allowed volunteers to share their real-life experiences while presenting the JA curriculum to kindergarten, first and second grade classrooms.
JA Program Manager Janet Whalen deemed the day a “huge success.”
“I continually received positive feedback from the faculty and students throughout the day. Many teachers were impressed with the volunteers’ instructional style and rapport with the students. Some of the teachers also mentioned how their JA program connected to several concepts that they are covering in their current curriculum as well as introducing new, real-world concepts.”
JA in a Day gave children the opportunity to interact with positive role models from the business community and demonstrated the importance of education to success. Volunteers walked away with personal fulfillment that they had inspired the students to improve the quality of their lives and always strive for success.
View photos from JA in a Day at the St. Louis Rams’ blog here.
Perficient is proud to be a technology solution provider to and official community sponsor of the St. Louis Rams. Together we focus on building up, giving back and inspiring others to do the same. Read more about our partnership here.

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Kristin Brashares

Kristin Brashares serves as Digital Senior Marketing Manager at Perficient and is a proud member of the Women in Tech ERG.

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