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Posts Tagged ‘xdb’

Video Training: Setting Rules-based Personalization – Sitecore

Oh hello, I didn’t see you there. One second, let me change socks and we can get going. [interlude music] So here’s the thing. Marketers, developers, all people living in the Sitecore world – Personalization…it’s not a new topic. It is the center of our most of our digital worlds, one of our most overused […]

Using Azure DocumentDB with Sitecore xDB

DocumentDB is a NoSQL JSON database by Microsoft that is provided as a service in Azure. Due to its cloud service architecture, this allows developers and clients to read and write to the service using the DocumentDB API and have a globally scalable and lightning fast data repository. This provides a consumption-based NoSQL database and […]

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xDB: Tracking the Untrackable – Part 2

[su_note note_color=”#fafafa”]In part 1 I showed you how you can make untrackable MVC and Web API endpoints trackable. Let’s see what we now can do with it.[/su_note] Attribution A little bit of xDB glossary first. A visit is an interaction. A hit is a page. If we just start tracking our MVC and Web API […]

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xDB: Tracking the Untrackable – Part 1

[su_note note_color=”#fafafa”]Tracking page visits is easy. It just works. A user visits a page and the analytics pipelines attached to the request processing cycle do their thing. Modern sites and web apps do a lot of dynamic and asynchronous data lookups – they try to provide a better user experience by actively loading partials or […]

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xDB Reports with Powershell

101 First things first. To collect analytics you have to make sure you tell Sitecore you are not a robot: Also, if you are running locally you may as well disable robots: Next, if you have a way to identify your users you have to do so explicitly. The site I am working on is […]

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Attribute Routing and xDB Tracking

Attribute Routing Rumor has it: you can use MVC attribute routing in Sitecore. It’s actually very easy to set up. John West posted it recently on his blog. Today I stumbled upon an interesting side effect of using this way of routes registration that may be important if your controllers generate user facing experiences that […]