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Posts Tagged ‘VueJS’

Team Of Businesspeople Analyzing Some Reports In A Boardroom

Exploring Vue.js: A Thorough Guide to HTML Binding, Event Management, and Loop Iteration

Binding Methods and Functions in Vue.js Binding methods in Vue.js connect functions defined in the Vue instance to events or directives in the template, enabling interactivity. <template> <!– Interpolation –>   <p>{{ message }}</p> <!– Using v-bind directive –> <a v-bind:href=”url”>Learm More</a> <!– Using shorthand : –> <a :href=”url”>Read More…</a> <button v-on:click=”handleClick”>Click me!</button> <!– Using shorthand […]

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Understanding Props in Vue.js: Data Sharing and Child-to-Parent Communication

What are Props? In Vue.js, “props” are like messengers that help share information from a parent component to its children. They allow different parts of your web app to talk to each other by passing along essential data. Declaring Props Props are defined using the props option: Let’s Explore an Example to Grasp How Props […]

Young Writer Taking Notes

Beginner’s Guide to Crafting a Vue.js Application Using Vue CLI

Introduction to Vue.js: Vue.js is a user-friendly and progressive JavaScript framework that simplifies the process of building dynamic web applications. Furthermore, it’s known for its flexibility and ease of integration, making it a popular choice for developers. Now, let’s embark on a straightforward guide to creating a Vue.js application. Prerequisites: Before starting the creation of […]

Vuejs Feature

Best Practices for Vuejs Projects

A well-liked JavaScript open-source front-end development framework called vue.js is fully capable of creating single-page applications. This language enables Vue.js developers to create complex apps using a single file component instance. You can use Vue.js to merge the codes for improved performance. Because of its minimal weight and distinct framework design concepts, the Vue.js framework […]

Vue.js Components in Sitecore Experience Editor

One of the hot JavaScript frameworks these days is Vue.js and it has started to regularly find its way into modern web and Sitecore development. At Perficient, we’re always looking to keep our customers modernized in terms of technology and have embraced Vue.js in a number of our Sitecore implementations. Vue works quite well with […]

Building a Near Real-Time Dashboard with Big Data Platforms

At the start of the year, we launched an internal effort to build an internal dashboard for employees, to provide a full view of employee personas, performance, the growth of employee skills, machine log monitoring etc. Especially for the machine log, the server produces 1 terabyte of information every week, on which we were able to […]