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Posts Tagged ‘Sitecore 7’

Diagnosing Sitecore Performance Problems

Website performance is incredibly important for most companies. This is especially true in situations where a website might be accessed by a huge number of customers within a short period of time (think Black Friday or a utility company with a widespread outage). While performance can mean different things to different people (time to first […]

Show up-to-date content in search results with mapping

I am back to blogging after a long pause – way too modest term for more than 7 months of break. 🙂 But you know the days when you are swamped too deep into the project and don’t do anything other than breathing and work. Everyone, almost everyone, goes through it. Anyway, back to business […]

Spaces in Binding String Causes Issues in Sitecore AD Module

Recently working with a client in which we installed the Sitecore Active Directory Module version 1.1 with a Sitecore 7.1 implementation. So after configuring the AD module in the client’s authoring environment, two issues existed. The first was we received a .NET error as follows -> [ArgumentException: Provider name cannot be null or empty.]. We […]

Sitecore as a Semantic Content Management System

Lately there has been no shortage of great discussions in the groups I associate with on LinkedIn. The one that caught my eye for this blog was a discussion post in LinkedIn’s Semantic Technologies Group -> So it starts with a simple question –“What CMS would you recommend?” in the context of being a […]

Sitecore Wins Critic’s Choice Award for Best Enterprise CMS!

Yet another win for Sitecore! Sitecore wins Critic’s Choice Award in “Best Enterprise CMS” category after winning People’s Choice Award in the same category last month.  Sitecore and winner of the last year, Adobe CQ5 which is re-branded as Experience Manager were running neck and neck for People’s Choice Award but Sitecore won it in […]