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Posts Tagged ‘Presentation Skills’

Speaker’s lectern with microphone in front of a blurry audience.

Public Speaking Tips from an Introvert

I was sitting in the front row of a large conference room with 150+ colleagues behind me. I felt a wave of nervousness wash over me while I was waiting for my turn to get on stage and speak. I’m an introvert and hated public speaking. Butterflies in my stomach. Sweaty palms. Why do I […]

Data Science = Synergistic Teamwork

Data science is a discipline conflating elements from various fields such as mathematics, machine learning, statistics, computer programming, data warehousing, pattern recognition, uncertainty modeling, computer science, high performance computing, visualization and others. According to Cathy O’Neil and Rachel Schutt, two luminaries in the field of Data Science, there are about seven disciplines that even data scientists in training […]