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Posts Tagged ‘OCM’

Digital Transformation

What If We Didn’t Call It Transformation?

Right before a new project kickoff, our client pulled me aside and said, “Don’t call it a transformation, that will just freak everyone out and we won’t get anything done.” Of course, the work IS a transformation initiative, but I understand her desire to reframe the effort to focus on the foundation for success rather […]

Late Afternoon Toned Photo Of California Farm With Irrigation

3 Ways to Get Your Change Communications to Soak In

Water is a precious commodity that gives life to plants – just like the way that information and knowledge helps people learn and adapt during times of organizational change. The methods used to share and disseminate information and knowledge throughout the organization play a vital role in the success of the change initiative. If not […]


Moving forward with O365 and Facilitating a Change

Previously, I highlighted three steps a company must take to unlock the business value of Microsoft Office 365 (O365). In the final blog of this series, I explain how to get started with O365 and implement true change. Organizations must continue to transform to keep up with, or exceed, customer, business, and employee expectations. As […]

Business Value of O365

6 Steps to Unlocking the Business Value of O365 – The Next 3

In my last blog, I highlighted the first three steps a company must take to unlock the business value of Microsoft Office 365 (O365). In this blog, I highlight the next three steps to unlock the value of O365. Establish a Measurement Plan As the adage goes, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage […]

Business Value of O365

6 Steps to Unlocking the Business Value of O365 – The First 3

Previously, I analyzed the key to unlocking the business value of Microsoft Office 365 (O365). In this blog, I highlight the first three steps a company must take to unlock the business value of O365. Match Business Needs/Priorities to O365 Solutions First, it is important to determine where the business value of O365 lies, which […]

Business Value of Office 365

User Adoption is the Key to Unlocking the Business Value of O365

Previously, I discussed the business value of Microsoft Office 365 (O365). In this blog, I breakdown the key to unlocking the business value. Business value is, for the most part, untapped or “locked” because behavior change is typically left to chance. Furthermore, O365 ROI models typically have a three-year projection. However, by specifically focusing on […]

[Guide] 6 Steps to Unlocking the Business Value of Office 365

There may not be sufficient empirical research or metrics to demonstrate how using Microsoft Office 365 (O365) contributes directly to business value in a measurable way. However, there are cases in which evidence suggests that purposeful, focused adoption and usage of O365 can contribute significant business value. A comprehensive review of how O365 impacts business […]

Office 365

Misleading Assumptions with the Business Value of Office 365

In my last blog, I explored where Microsoft Office 365 (O365) provides value. In the final blog of this series, I debunk misleading assumptions associated with the business value of O365. There may also be some potentially misleading assumptions about O365: O365 is ”just a tool” The decision to migrate to O365 is typically driven […]

Office 365

Where is the Business Value of Office 365?

My last blog deciphers how Microsoft Office 365 (O365) promises business value. This blog explores where O365 provides value. Microsoft Office 365 was made available in June 2011 and has maintained its goal of being a catalyst for changing how people work in an increasingly digital economy. For example, Microsoft’s current CEO, Satya Nadella, certainly […]

Office 365

The Promise of Business Value with Office 365

Previously, I discussed how user adoption impacts the business value of Microsoft Office 365 (O365). In this blog I decipher how O365 promises business value. The decision to use O365 is made for a number of reasons. According to Gartner research, approximately 70% of survey respondents indicated “licensing or costs” and “shifting workloads to the […]

business value of O365

[Guide] How User Adoption Impacts the Business Value of O365

The digital dexterity of the workforce will be a significant driver of competitive advantage (or disadvantage, in the case of digital deficiency) for the foreseeable future. So, helping employees productively use new cloud office workloads can be a key element of a digital dexterity plan. Microsoft applications have become such a fixture in our daily […]

The Importance of OCM in Application Modernization Projects

In the post Tips for Getting Started with Application Modernization, we touched on the importance of organizational change management (OCM) in application modernization efforts. In this blog, I want to explore that further and talk about why OCM is necessary when modernizing your applications – or in any project. What is OCM? Change management can […]

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