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Posts Tagged ‘Mobile Wayfinding’

Starting a Mobile Wayfinding Program for Medical Centers

Previously, I discussed implementing a mobile wayfinding program into a medical center. In my final post of this blog series, I look at three options to start a wayfinding program. Depending upon your organization’s goals and the level of internal resources you have to dedicate to development and maintenance, you may consider the following options. […]

Benefits of Mobile Wayfinding in Healthcare

My last blog examined what wayfinding truly is. This blog will highlight the benefits of implementing mobile wayfinding. With advanced wayfinding options, medical facilities are better positioned to enhance the patient experience, decrease the number of late or missed appointments, reduce patient frustration and anxiety, integrate with appointment scheduling, and reduce staff interruptions from lost […]

What is Mobile Wayfinding for Medical Centers?

Previously, I discussed mobile wayfinding for medical centers. Today, I want to examine what mobile wayfinding truly is. Wayfinding describes enabling navigation through a building or campus. Historically, wayfinding consisted of static directional signage, design, and typography to enable clear pathfinding to get from point A to point B. Technology has redefined wayfinding to include […]