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Posts Tagged ‘Insite Commerce’

Diverse Modern Office: Businessman Leads Business Meeting With Managers, Talks, Uses Presentation Tv With Statistics, Infographics. Digital Entrepreneurs Work On E Commerce Project.

Optimizely Configured Commerce(Spire): Integrating Third-Party NPM Packages

It is frequently necessary to use external libraries and packages in the constantly changing world of web development. For Spire, integrating third-party NPM packages into the system smoothly requires following certain procedures and considerations. Understanding the Setup within Spire Third-party NPM packages can be installed within Spire’s framework by clients and partners. It’s not quite […]

data tables on computer

Maximizing Build Monitoring with Optimizely B2B Commerce Cloud: A Look at Two Powerful Approaches

Have you ever found yourself in the following situations: When you pushed your Extension changes in the Sandbox branch and wondering whether your build was deployed on Sandbox, Whether TeamCity picked up the right change-sets from the last build you pushed on the Sandbox branch, What happens when multiple team members pushed extension DLLs in […]

Exporting Insite Commerce Data without Admin Assistance

Often times, clients want to empower their customers to export their eCommerce transactions, such as order history, approval lists, and saved orders, and other data, like wish lists and cart lists, by themselves without admin involvement. These features removed dependency on Insite admins, subsequently improving the user experience, efficiency, and overall satisfaction for Insite users. […]