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Posts Tagged ‘IBM Cognos TM1’

CRISP and IBM Cognos TM1

CRISP stands for Cross Industry Standard Process. It is a process model that describes commonly used approaches that experts use to tackle problems. Typically, you’ll hear of CRISP in the context of CRISP-DM, defining a process or methodology that breaks the process of data mining into six major phases. A little more about the CRISP […]

IBM Cognos TM1 Server Environments and Model Migration

IBM Cognos TM1 employs a distributed, client-server architecture that consists of the IBM Cognos TM1 server to which a combination of different clients can connect. The TM1 Server manages access to the Cognos TM1 data directory for Cognos TM1 clients. The data directory is where files are migrated from and to and this “migration of […]

IBM Cognos TM1 Performance Modeler vs. Architect/Perspectives

Creating a dimension is similar in IBM Cognos TM1 Performance Modeler and IBM Cognos TM1 Perspectives/Architect. However, there are some differences you should be aware of. Dimension Typing In Cognos TM1, dimensions can be created either by using the Dimension Editor (right click on Dimensions and select Create New Dimension)… …or by program code (using […]