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Posts Tagged ‘HTL’

Lee Campbell 6njoebtarec Unsplash

Creating Your First Custom AEM Component Using React – Part 1

Recently, I went through an article about integrating React JS and Angular JS with AEM. In this blog, I am going to show you how to create a custom component that includes a cq:dialog and one that does not include a cq:dialog. Before building the components, clone the repository, which is a sample project based […]

Messy Hands

A Retrospective on HTL: The Wrong Solution for the Problem

I have a confession to make: in my heart of hearts I know JSP is better than HTL / Sightly. There I said it! whew, that’s a load off my chest! So why, besides my paradoxical Luddite tendencies, would I be so firmly convinced that a widely-panned, ancient technology to be superior to Adobe’s latest […]


Developing Clean and Efficient Lists of Items with HTL

One of the most common patterns in AEM development is the link list. You can find this pattern in typical web elements such as navigations, headers and footers. Usually, this will be a list of links with a title and potentially some additional data such as the target or an icon. The link list is […]

Less is More: Write Clean Elegant Codes in AEM

A clean, elegant code base goes a long way. It helps developers read and modify the code, sets a good foundation for future development, reduces technical debts and maintenance overhead, makes code easier to unit test, follows best practices, and much more. This still holds true in the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) world. However, many […]

How to Pass Page Properties to Angular Controller Through HTL

This article discusses different ways to pass dialog/ page properties rendered through HTL (Sightly) into AngularJS script (Angular Controller in our case). Note that we are not using Javascript Use-API here. Let’s say we have to access a page property foobar in our Angular Controller. One simple and quick way that might come to mind […]