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Posts Tagged ‘estimation’

Automation Testing – What to Expect and What Not to Expect

Myth 1: Automation replaces Manual Testers. Reality: After the scripts are developed, the common misconception is that we can replace the manual testers with Automation, but this is not true. Automation is a program which will test the flow of the system. Even a small defect can be missed if we don’t write scripts to look for […]

Agile estimation and planning: Part 3

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we investigated why we use relative estimation as the foundation for our estimation and planning process. In this article we will look at a second aspect of Agile estimation that helps us improve the accuracy of our estimates. Traditional estimation is an expert estimation technique: that […]

Agile planning and estimating, Part 2

In the first article in this series we looked at absolute vs. relative estimation, and using an example saw how we could improve our estimation accuracy by applying relative estimation. In this article we briefly at a second reason we use a relative estimate of effort instead of time to improve our estimates.

Agile estimation and planning: Part 1

This article is the first of a series of that will talk about Agile estimation and planning. There is a great deal of information available in books and online describing Agile estimation techniques. This series of articles attempts to summarize some of the available information based on our practical experience and make it readily assessable […]

Six Patting

‘Six patting’ is a famous Chinese software development management story. Patting 1: Under the increased competitive pressure, a project manager wins a big contract by patting his head – giving a very aggressive estimation, both from schedule and cost perspective. Patting 2: The project manager’s boss heard the good news, talks to the project manager […]