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Posts Tagged ‘devices’

Would you like a “little rice” with your container?

Sorry, it’s a pun(ny) title. If you haven’t gotten it already, you will soon (ahhh! stop it with the puns already!) My family, colleagues, and people who attend my Scrum training will all attest to my being a big fan of Apple’s products. I appreciate good design and I like things that “just work”. But […]

Swallowing Sensors Gives New Meaning to the Quanitifed Self

You’ve heard of wearables in healthcare technology, but have you considered swallowables? Swallowing a piece of electronics is something that people are actually willing to try. Just this morning, Intel released results from a very compelling study on a range of consumer interest in electronic “wearables” and monitors. They asked people how willing they are […]

Personal Health Data: Giving Patients and Doctors Something To Talk About

One of the most intriguing movements in the healthcare industry today is participatory medicine. Participatory medicine holds a lot of promise and seems to be gaining momentum among both patients and healthcare professionals. Nevertheless, participatory medicine is far from the standard of care, and one of the biggest barriers is actually getting patients interested in […]