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Posts Tagged ‘Data Model’

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Strength on Strength: Marketo and the Adobe Experience Platform

Today’s customer demands completely seamless omni-channel experiences, and such customer demands are forcing Marketers to pursue advanced analytics and first-party data strategies at an unprecedented rate. However, according to a recent report by eMarketer, nearly 50% of all Marketers say their Customer Experience strategy is “ad-hoc” or “limited in scope”.  Even worse, more than half […]


The Unified Customer Profile Revolution

Why Customer Profiles? The landscape is changing for marketers. Customers are increasingly concerned with privacy. Ad-driven conversion rates are in decline. The most “transformational” technologies wield a large percentage of marketing budgets, many of which make little to no real impact on the business. Among said new technologies are a host of new acronyms that […]

Data Lake and Information Governance – The Key Takeaways

A Data Lake can be a highly valuable asset to any enterprise, and there is a myriad of technology solutions available for leveraging the processes to feed, maintain and retrieve information from the Lake. But all this technology is, if not worthless, significantly less valuable, if the environment is not well governed and managed. This […]

Information Governance – Essential Ingredient for Business Value

In my last blog, you may recall that we were discussing the value and the need for Standards and Templates for ensuring a consistent and efficient use of the Data Lake, both in its population (supplying) and in its retrieval (consuming) of information. To achieve this level of consistency and efficiency, as well as reliability, […]

cloud adoption

Working with the Data Lake Aggregator – Standards and Templates

In my previous blog, I described the concept of an “Information Catalog” and how it plays a vital role in ensuring communication between the Data Lake Aggregator and Suppliers and Consumers is efficient and effective due to the common language that it provides. I also included the following diagram as an example of how the […]

Data Lake as Aggregator – The Critical Role of the Catalog

My previous blog talked about a Data Lake using a Supplier-Aggregator-Consumer analogy and talking about the roles each of these parties play. One factor that is critical to the success of this approach is the use of a common vocabulary that ensures efficiency and effectiveness in the interactions and collaborations between the parties. The implication […]

Perficient Customized IBM Unified Data Model for Healthcare

UDMH Model Components The Perficient Healthcare Analytics Gateway asset is a data integration engine that allows healthcare data from multiple sources be integrated and presented in atomic level detail (Inmon model) and in conformed dimensional layer (Kimball model). The atomic and dimensional data models are part of IBM’s Unified Data Model for Healthcare (UDMH). IBM […]

A Modern Approach to Financial Reports Reconciliation

Gone are the days when several spreadsheets, pen and paper, and calculators are needed to reconcile financial reports. A common challenge in financial reporting is validating that what gets reported on executive dashboards matches with more detailed financial statements and transaction level reporting. What aggravates this endeavor is the fact that executive level dashboards are […]

No Easy Outs in Healthcare BI, but a New Approach

When you played baseball as a youngster, and stepped into the batter’s box, the last thing you wanted to be was an “easy out”. Ironically, today many healthcare organizations are looking for the “easy out” to rapidly develop the business intelligence reporting needed to address regulatory reporting demands, population health management and chronic condition management, […]