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Posts Tagged ‘Component’

Less is More: Write Clean Elegant Codes in AEM

A clean, elegant code base goes a long way. It helps developers read and modify the code, sets a good foundation for future development, reduces technical debts and maintenance overhead, makes code easier to unit test, follows best practices, and much more. This still holds true in the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) world. However, many […]

How To Switch From WCMUsePojo To Sling Models in AEM Part One – Component

Looking back at Adobe Experience Manager’s (AEM) component development path (especially if you started from 6.0 or earlier), you likely have used a variety of ways to provide back-end logic to components. Beginning with JSP (or even scriptlets), to abstract component Java class with page context or binding objects, to Adobe’s WCMUse or your custom implementation of […]

Testing UI for Multiple Apps Using UI Automator

A User interface test involves interacting with multiple apps and verifying that the app behaves fine when the flow passes through other apps or through the System UI. An excellent example of this would be the Android messaging app where the user can enter the message which then launches the contact picker so that the users can […]

Customizing Component Reports in Adobe Experience Manager

Many times, I have felt it would be good if I could have a bird’s eye view of all the components available in my project, along with details about how and where they are used. Fortunately, AEM has provided us with out-of-the-box (OOTB) components under /libs/cq/reporting/components and corresponding templates under /libs/cq/reporting/templates. We can customize/extend the OOTB […]

FileNet P8 5.2: Highly Scalable Process Architecture

In The Beginning… FileNet created Visual WorkFlo. In the years since, the software improved steadily, but the architecture mostly remained. With the release of version 5.0, IBM had rewritten the entire Process code base in Java; yet it remained wrapped in COM and the macro architecture remained mainly unchanged. Then came P8 5.2, and our […]