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Posts Tagged ‘bootstrap’

Hands Typing On Laptop Computer

Mastering Responsive Videos and Maps with Bootstrap Embed Classes

In Bootstrap, the embed-responsive and embed-responsive-item classes create responsive embeds for videos, maps, or any other embedded content. These embedded classes ensure the embedded content scales properly and maintain its aspect ratio across different screen sizes. Let’s explore how to use Bootstrap embed classes for responsive embeds. Bootstrap Responsive Video Embed Bootstrap provides a simple […]

Shot of a team of executives having a formal meeting in a boardroom

Introduction to Tailwind CSS  

What is Tailwind CSS? Tailwind is a utility CSS library that allows developers to use the styling properties within the HTML file. It is done by labeling the class name as styling properties. Instead of defining the class name such as Navbar, and Footer, developers can define the classes as styling properties. Such as display […]

Sitecore SXA Grid Control for the Content Author

Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) and the power of Grid Controls and Variants for the content author.

CSS Frameworks – Does Your Client Need One?

Many a times, when I start a new project, often the client gets excited when the word ‘bootstrap’ or ‘foundation’ comes around during the inception phase. They want to know more and get excited. They hope that their site would look great if is it built with a framework and typically look towards the UX […]

Are Portals Really Dead?

So lately I’ve been seeing a new class of web site that leans more towards custom development than a horizontal portal.   The factors influencing  a custom development approach mainly fall into the proliferation of Web/RESTful services and better front end tooling in AngularJS, Bootstrap, and similar items.  Both Forrester and Gartner have labeled horizontal […]

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Proper implementation of background images w/ text inside responsive carousels

I have been asked the question so many times now, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to post a blog about it. This way I can just forward a link to people instead of blowing air at ’em. Here it is: “Why can’t I just have an image in the foreground with text […]