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Posts Tagged ‘AEM Developer’

Business People Negotiating A Contract.

Speed Up AEM Developer Onboarding with Container-Driven Local Instances

Customization is a key aspect of any AEM-powered solution. Installing AEM instances on developers’ local machines is usually required and recommended by Adobe. This allows for the fast creation of components, templates, and other project-specific items. The local AEM instances mimic an organization’s integration or dev environment instances with custom patch levels, OSGi configurations, data […]

Programmer Working In A Software Developing Company Office

Ready, Get Set, Go! on AEM…

AEM has a vast infrastructure, and it requires time to hold expertise on it. Every expert was once a beginner, so you are never too late to start and have fun on AEM. In this blog, we will focus on the developers’ perspective of AEM and how one can start as an AEM developer. We […]

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Loading JSON Content into AEM

Let’s talk about extract, transform, and load, also known as ETL. If you are an AEM professional, this is something you have previously dealt with. It could be something along the lines of products, user bios, or store locations. The extract and transform parts may differ depending on your source and requirements. The loading part […]


Code Reuse With Custom Sling Model Injectors

In my blog Writing Less Java Code in AEM with Sling Models, I talked about writing less code using Sling Models. I followed that up with Writing Less Java Code in AEM with Sling Models & Lombok. I talked about code generators helping in saving time by not writing redundant codes. You could say I […]

Close Up Software Developer Programming Code On Screen

Writing Less Java Code in AEM with Sling Models

I love writing code. What I love more is writing less. Less code means fewer unit tests because you have much less coverage to hit. Well organized, modularized, short, and concise. How do you achieve this? Good software engineering practices, code generators, and leveraging existing frameworks and APIs. Leveraging Frameworks and APIs As an AEM […]

Lee Campbell 6njoebtarec Unsplash

Creating Your First Custom AEM Component Using React – Part 1

Recently, I went through an article about integrating React JS and Angular JS with AEM. In this blog, I am going to show you how to create a custom component that includes a cq:dialog and one that does not include a cq:dialog. Before building the components, clone the repository, which is a sample project based […]

AEM with Front-end Technologies Like Grunt

This post will demonstrate how to use Grunt and Grunt plugins with AEM archetype projects. The purpose of front-end technologies integrated with AEM projects is to automate various tasks like Sass lint, compile Sass into CSS, minify CSS, merge JS files, JS error checking, and minify JS. With the use of front-end technologies like Node, […]

Node, Grunt and Sass…A Plugin Primer

Recently, my colleague Shannon Sumner, a senior technical consultant with our Adobe practice, wrote a quick tutorial on how to use Grunt and Grunt plugins to compile Sass into CSS, minify the CSS, add CSS source maps, merge JavaScript files, minify the JS, and add JavaScript source maps. These terms can send any marketer over […]