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Zach Handing

I'm a front-end developer working at Perficient Digital, and I'm passionate about HTML, CSS, and grilling chicken.

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Blogs from this Author

Close Up Software Developer Programming Code On Screen

CSS Transform Property: Four Common Uses

The CSS transform property allows a developer to perform a number of different actions on an element that changes how that element appears in the browser.  While the realm of possibilities for what you can do with one or more of the transform values is very large, here are some common uses to save time […]

Solved with CSS: Image Captions Done Right

There is a problem with the default styling of the figure caption (figcaption) element that is intrinsic to the way HTML and CSS work on their simplest level.  Elements don’t know or care about the other elements around them; they behave in their own way, no matter what content comes before or after them.  Let’s […]

Heroes in a Sass Shell: Mixin Power!

The end of the year is here, and it’s a time to kick back and enjoy ourselves and our families; a time to have some fun. A time to build a set of minimalist Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle characters in CSS! Outside of being a fun exercise in general, this is a great look into […]

Take the Plunge. Get Up to Speed with Front-End Build Tools

A colleague recently asked me to give him a high-level overview on how to get started using these fancy front-end build tools everyone’s talking about. Since I’m a team player, I thought it would be best to share my advice with all of you as well! First, what the heck am I talking about? What are […]

A Glimpse at’s Redesign

Looks like the folks over at Wired launched a redesign of their site yesterday.  I was just reading through an article about it written by their engineering director. I’ll let you creative types comment on the actual design of it, but there are some interesting things they are doing developmentally that strike my…interest. First, they […]

Chrome DevTools Features to Help UI Development

In the technology industry, we often take for granted things in our work routine that we do so often we don’t even realize we’re doing them: keyboard shortcuts, program macros or any other “muscle memory” tasks that are second nature to us.  Many a time I have found myself working with a partner or helping a […]

CSS Pixel Ratio (or “How Big is My Phone?”)

When designing and developing a website for mobile devices, there are many things one needs to consider. Are you using a responsive or adaptive approach? What devices / browsers should be supported? What are the major breakpoints? When trying to answer these questions, we as designers and developers tend to focus on mobile device resolutions […]

Showing Off Their CSS

In the past few weeks, I’ve seen no less than five different companies publish an article documenting their internal CSS frameworks; it’s a fascinating pattern.  Getting an inside look at how other people (or companies) are organizing code and what tools they are using is a pretty fantastic way to become a better developer yourself.  […]

Internet Explorer: To Support or Not to Support?

Microsoft published an article on their Internet Explorer blog yesterday that discussed their plans for supporting older versions of IE, and the web development community has been blowing up ever since.  I have seen many eager Interneters making loud claims to the tune of, “IE8 is dead!  We no longer have to support older versions of […]

Flex that Box Model!

The CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 (or Flexbox) is a box model specification in which the children of a flex container can be laid out in any direction, and can “flex” their sizes, either growing to fill unused space or shrinking to avoid overflowing the parent.  In other words, it’s a neat way for […]

STLUX Recap: Getting Started with Website Performance

Back again with another recap of the STLUX conference sessions!  My previous post in this series covered Practical Interaction Design for Developers, a session by David Ortinau.  Where that session discussed how developers can educate themselves about user actions and expectations in regards to the design, this session covers another aspect of a user’s expectations […]

STLUX Recap: Practical Interaction Design for Developers

St. Louis had a user experience conference last month (yes, I am very timely) called STLUX, and I’m starting a series of blog posts to recap some of the sessions I attended.  Instead of the typical essay type of blog post, these will be a more in depth breakdown of my notes, which come in […]

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